What are Osteopaths

Osteopaths are government registered practitioners of manual medicine. They undertake an extensive five year training period at University. The curriculum consists of subjects in medicine, science and osteopathy where they study the inter-relationship between the structure and function of the human body both in health and disease.

Osteopaths focus on the diagnosis, treatment, prevention and rehabilitation of musculoskeletal disorders and the effects of these on the patient’s general health.

Osteopaths consider that effective and efficient movement of all body tissues and structures contribute to health by enhancing the bodies self repair mechanisms. If movement is restored, communication between parts is more efficient, fluid circulation and drainage improve, irritating signals are reduced and the body’s homeostatic and immune mechanisms can operate more efficiently, thus restoring health and better function.

Osteopathic treatment results in a number of outcomes depending on the condition being treated. These can include: improved posture and joint mobility; normalisation of muscular function and reduction in pain.


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