Pelvic Pain


Pelvic pain is a common and distressing condition which affects both men and women. Women tend to suffer from this condition more than men.

Signs and symptoms of pelvic pain may include

  • localised pain and tenderness on the pubic bone
  • pain on abdominal contraction e.g., coughing, turning in bed, bearing down or​ when going to the toilet
  • groin pain
  • pain in the buttocks and down the back of the leg.

There can be multiple causes of pelvic pain related to dysfunction of the joints and muscles of the lower back and pelvic area or referred pain from other internal organs and structures. In some cases, it can be confused with Myofascial Pain Syndrome.

Your Osteopath will focus on the musculoskeletal causes of this condition including the muscles, joints, and fascia of the whole pelvic area. In some cases, further tests or referral to another health practitioner may be indicated.

Treatment involves:

  • Education
  • Manual therapy
  • Exercises
  • Postural and activities of daily living advice
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